عبارات اصطلاحی در گویش های مختلف زبان انگلیسی

Complate list Dictionary of English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions

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لیست کامل اصطلاحات انگلیسی و عبارات اصطلاحی در گویش های مختلف انگلیسی

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Number of Idioms: 167
1 Packed like sardines If a place is extremely crowded, people are packed like sardines, or packed in like sardines.
2 Paddle your own canoe (USA) If you paddle your own canoe, you do things for yourself without outside help.
3 Pain in the neck If someone is very annoying and always disturbing you, they are a pain in the neck. Pain in the butt, or pain in the ass (USA), and Pain in the arse (UK) are less polite alternative forms.
4 Paint the town red If you go out for a night out with lots of fun and drinking, you paint the town red.
5 Paint yourself into a corner (USA) If someone paints themselves into a corner, they get themselves into a mess.
6 Painted Jezebel A painted Jezebel is a scheming woman.
7 Pandora's box If you open a Pandora's box, something you do causes all sorts of trouble that you hadn't anticipated.
8 Paper over the cracks If you paper over the cracks, you try to make something look or work better but only deal with superficial issues, not the real underlying problems.
9 Paper tiger A paper tiger is a person, country, institution, etc, that looks powerful, but is actually weak.
10 Par for the course If something is par for the course, it is what you expected it would be. If it is above par, it is better, and if it is below par, it is worse.
11 Parrot fashion If you learn something parrot fashion, you learn it word for word. A parrot is a bird from South America that can talk.
12 Part and parcel If something is part and parcel of your job, say, it is an essential and unavoidable part that has to be accepted.
13 Pass muster If something passes muster, it meets the required standard.
14 Pass the buck If you pass the buck, you avoid taking responsibility by saying that someone else is responsible.
15 Pass the hat If you pass the hat, you ask a people in a group to give money.
16 Pass the time of day If you pass the time of day with somebody, you stop and say hello, enquire how they are and other such acts of social politeness.
17 Pastoral care This is used in education to describe the aspect of care offered to pupils that cover things besides learning.
18 Patience of Job If something requires the patience of Job, it requires great patience.
19 Pay on the nail If you pay on the nail, you pay promptly in cash.
20 Pay the piper When you pay the piper, you have to accept the consequences of something that you have done wrong or badly.
21 Pay through the nose If you pay through the nose for something, you pay a very high price for it.
22 Pay your dues If you have paid your dues, you have had your own struggles and earned your place or position.
23 Pecking order The pecking order is the order of importance or rank.
24 Peeping Tom A peeping Tom is someone who tries to look through other people's windows without being seen in order to spy on people in their homes.
25 Pen is mightier than the sword The idiom 'the pen is mightier than the sword' means that words and communication are more powerful than wars and fighting.
26 Penny ante (USA) Something that is very unimportant is penny ante.
27 Penny pincher A penny pincher is a mean person or who is very frugal.
28 Penny wise, pound foolish Someone who is penny wise, pound foolish can be very careful or mean with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums.
29 People who live in glass houses should not throw stones People should not criticize other people for faults that they have themselves.
30 Pep talk When someone gives you a pep talk it is to build you up to help you accomplish something. In sports a coach might give a player a pep talk before the game to bolster his confidence. At work the boss might give you a pep talk to get you to do a better job.
31 Perfidious Albion England is known to some as perfidious Albion, implying that it is not trustworthy in its dealings with foreigners.
32 Perish the thought Perish the thought is an expression meaning that you really hope something will not happen.
33 Pet peeve A pet peeve is something that irritates an individual greatly.
34 Photo finish A photo finish is when two contestants (usually in a race) finish at almost exactly the same time, making it difficult to determine the winner. (The saying stems from the practice of taking a photograph when the winners cross the finish line to determine who was ahead at the time.)
35 Pick up the tab A person who pays for everyone picks up the tab.
36 Pick-up game (USA) A pick-up game is something unplanned where people respond to events as they happen.
37 Picture perfect When something is exactly as it should be it is said to be picture perfect.
38 Pie in the sky If an idea or scheme is pie in the sky, it is utterly impractical.
39 Piece of cake If something is a piece of cake, it is really easy.
40 Pieces of the same cake Pieces of the same cake are things that have the same characteristics or qualities.
41 Pig in a poke If someone buys a pig in a poke, they buy something without checking the condition it was in, usually finding out later that it was defective.
42 Pigs might fly If you think something will never happen or succeed, you can say that 'pigs might fly' (or 'pigs can fly' and 'pigs will fly'- the idiom is used in many forms)
43 Pin down with a label If you pin someone down with a label, you characterise them, often meant negatively as the label is restrictive.
44 Pin money (UK) If you work for pin money, you work not because you need to but because it gives you money for extra little luxuries and treats.
45 Pinch of salt If what someone says should be taken with a pinch of salt, then they exaggerate and distort things, so what they say shouldn't be believed unquestioningly. ('with a grain of salt' is an alternative.)
46 Pink pound (UK) In the UK, the pink pound is an idiom for the economic power of gay people.
47 Pink slip If someone receives a pink slip, they receive a letter telling them they have lost their job.
48 Pipe dream A pipe dream is an unrealistic, impractical idea or scheme.
49 Piping hot If food is piping hot, it is very hot indeed.
50 Place in the sun If you have your place in the sun, you find wealth, happiness or whatever you are looking for in life.
51 Plain as a pikestaff (UK) If something is as plain as a pikestaff, it is very clear.
52 Plain as the nose on your face If something is as plain as the nose on your face, it is very clear and obvious.
53 Plain Jane A plain Jane is a woman who isn't particularly attractive.
54 Plain sailing If something is relatively easy and there are no problems doing it, it is plain sailing.
55 Plan B Plan is an alternate or fall-back position or method when the initial attempt or plan goes wrong.
56 Plastic smile When someone is wearing a plastic smile, they are appear to be happier with a situation or events than they actually are. This is actually a description of the forced smile you might see in many photographs.
57 Play fast and loose If people play fast and loose, they behave in an irresponsible way and don't respect rules, etc.
58 Play for keeps If you are playing for keeps, you take things very seriously and the outcome is very important to you; it is not a mere game.
59 Play for time If you play for time, you delay something because because you are not ready or need more time to thing about it. Eg. I knew I had to play for time until the police arrived.
60 Play hard to get If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interewsted or attracted by someone, usually to make the other person increase their efforts.
61 Play hardball If someone plays hardball, they are very aggressive in trying to achieve their aim.
62 Play havoc Playing havoc with something is creating disorder and confusion; computer viruses can play havoc with your programs.
63 Play hooky If people play hooky, they don't attend school when they should and don't have a valid reason for their absence.
64 Play into someone's hands If you play into someone's hands, you do what they were expecting you to do and take advantage of this.
65 Play it by ear If you play it by ear, you don't have a plan of action, but decide what to do as events take shape.
66 Play out of your skin If someone plays out of their skin, they give an outstanding performance.
67 Play possum To pretend to be dead or sleeping. His younger sister jumped on him because she knew he was just playing possum.
68 Play second fiddle If you play second fiddle, you take a subordinate role behind someone more important.
69 Play the field Someone who plays the field has sexual relationships with many people.
70 Play the fool If someone plays the fool, they behave in a silly way to make people laugh. ('Act the fool' is and alternative form.)
71 Play with fire If people take foolish risks, they are playing with fire.
72 Playing to the gallery If someone plays to the gallery, they say or do things that will make them popular, but which are not the right things to do.
73 Pleased as punch When someone is pleased as punch, they are very satisfied about something
74 Poacher turned gamekeeper Someone who gets a legitimate job which is the opposite of their previous one. E.G a computer hacker who then helps to catch other hackers or an ex-bank robber who then advises banks on security.
75 Poetry in motion Something that is poetry in motion is beautiful to watch.
76 Point the finger When you point the finger at someone, you are accusing and blaming them for something.
77 Pointy-heads Pointy-heads are supposed intellectuals or experts, but who don't really know that much.
78 Poison pill A poison pill is a strategy designed to prevent a company from being take over.
79 Polish the apples (USA) Someone who polishes the apples with someone, tries to get into that person's favor.
80 Polishing peanuts To work very hard at something for little or no return. In other words, wasting time on work which will not yield reasonable value.
81 Politically correct Things or people that are politically correct use language that will not cause offence.
82 Poor as a church mouse If soemone is as poor as a church mouse, they are very poor indeed.
83 Pop the question When someone pops the question, they ask someone to marry them.
84 Pop your clogs When someone pops their clogs, they die.
85 Pork barrel Pork barrel politics involves investing money in an area to get political support rather than using the money for the common good.
86 Pot calling the kettle black If someone hypocritically criticises a person for something that they themselves do, then it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
87 Pot-luck If you take pot-luck, you take whatever happens to be available at the time.
88 Pound of flesh If someone wants their pound of flesh, the force someone to pay or give back something owed, even though they don't need it and it will cause the other person a lot of difficulty.
89 Pour oil on troubled waters If someone pours oil on troubled waters, they try to calm things down.
90 Powder your nose If somebody goes to powder your nose, it is a euphemism for going to the lavatory (toilet).
91 Powers that be The powers that be are the people who are in charge of something.
92 Practical joke A practical joke is a trick played on someone that is meant to be funny for people watching, though normally embarrassing for the person being tricked.
93 Practise what you preach If you practise what you preach, you do what you say other people should do.(In American English, the verb is 'practice')
94 Preaching to the choir If someone preaches to the choir, they talking about a subject or issue with which their audience already agrees. ('Preaching to the converted' is an alternative form.)
95 Presence of mind If someone behaves calmly and rationally in difficult circumstances, they show presence of mind.
96 Press the flesh When people, especially politicians, press the flesh, they meet members of the public and shake their hands, usually when trying to get support.
97 Pressed for time If you are pressed for time, you are in a hurry or working against a very tight schedule.
98 Prick up your ears If you prick up your ears, you listen very carefully. ('Pick up your ears' is also used.)
99 Prim and proper Someone who is prim and proper always behaves in the correct way and never breaks the rules of etiquette.
100 Primrose path The primrose path is an easy and pleasurable lifestyle, but one that ends in unpleasantness and problems.
101 Prince charming A prince charming is the perfect man in a woman's life.
102 Problem is thirty If a problem is 30, the problem is the person who sits 30 cm from the computer screen. It is used to describe people that lack technical knowledge and can be used when you insult someone who's having computer problems.
103 Proclaim it from the rooftops If something is proclaimed from the rooftops, it is made as widely known and as public as possible.
104 Prodigal son A prodigal son is a young man who wastes a lot on money on a lavish lifestyle. If the prodigal son returns, they return to a better way of living.
105 Proof of the pudding is in the eating This means that something can only be judged when it is tested or by its results. (It is often shortened to 'Proof of the pudding'.)
106 Pros and cons Pros and cons are arguments for or against a particular issue. Pros are arguments which aim to promote the issue, while cons suggest points against it. The term has been in use since the 16th century and is a shortening of a Latin phrase, pro et contra, which means “for and against.” Considering the pros and cons of an issue is a very useful way to weigh the issue thoughtfully and reach an informed decision.
107 Proud as a peacock Someone who is as proud as a peacock is excessively proud.
108 Pull a rabbit out of your hat If you pull a rabbit out of a hat, you do something that no one was expecting.
109 Pull in the reins When you pull in the reins, you slow down or stop something that has been a bit out of control.
110 Pull no punches If you pull no punches, you hold nothing back.
111 Pull out all the stops If you pull out all the stops, you do everything you possibly can to achieve the result you want.
112 Pull out of the fire (USA) If you pull something out of the fire, you save or rescue it.
113 Pull rank A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank, he or she exercises his/her authority, generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people's views.
114 Pull someone's leg If you pull someone's leg, you tease them, but not maliciously.
115 Pull strings If you pull strings, you use contacts you have got to help you get what you want.
116 Pull the fat from the fire If you pull the fat from the fire, you help someone in a difficult situation.
117 Pull the other one, it's got brass bells on This idiom is way of telling somebody that you don't believe them. The word 'brass' is optional.
118 Pull the trigger The person who pulls the trigger is the one who does the action that closes or finishes something.
119 Pull the wool over someone's eyes If you pull the wool over someone's eyes, you deceive or cheat them.
120 Pull up your socks If you aren't satisfied with someone and want them to do better, you can tell them to pull up their socks.
121 Pull your chain (USA) If someone pulls your chain, they take advantage of you in an unfair way or do something to annoy you.
122 Pull your finger out! (UK) If someone tells you to do this, they want you to hurry up. ('Get your finger out' is also used.)
123 Pull your punches If you pull your punches, you do not use all the power or authority at your disposal.
124 Pull your weight If someone is not pulling their weight, they aren't making enough effort, especially in group work.
125 Pull yourself up by your bootstraps If you pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you make the effort to improve things for yourself.
126 Punching bag A punching bag (or punch bag) is a person who gets a lot of unfair criticism.
127 Pup's chance A pup's chance is no chance.
128 Puppy love Puppy love is love between two very young people.
129 Push comes to shove If or when push comes to shove, the situation has become some bad that you are forced to do something: If push comes to shove, we'll just have to use our savings.
130 Push the envelope This means to go to the limits, to do something to the maximum possible.
131 Pushing up the daisies If someone is said to be pushing up the daisies, they are dead.
132 Put a bug in your ear If you put a bug in someone's ear, you give him or her a reminder or suggestion relating to a future event.
133 Put a cork in it! This is a way of telling someone to be quiet.
134 Put a sock in it If someone tells you to put a sock in it, they are telling you to shut up.
135 Put all your eggs in one basket If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.
136 Put it on the cuff If you put something on the cuff, you will take it now and pay for it later.
137 Put lipstick on a pig If people put lipstick on a pig, they make superficial or cosmetic changes, hoping that it will make the product more attractive.
138 Put more green into something (USA) To put more green into something is to spend more or to increase investment in it.
139 Put on airs If someone puts on airs, they pretend to be grander and more important than they really are.
140 Put or get someone's back up If you put or get someone's back up, you annoy them.
141 Put some dirt on it This means that when you get hurt, you should rub it off or shake it off and you'll be ok.
142 Put some mustard on it! (USA) I think its used to encourage someone to throw a ball like a baseball hard or fast.
143 Put somebody's nose out of joint If you put someone's nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you.
144 Put someone on a pedestal If you put someone on a pedestal, you admire them greatly, idolise them.
145 Put someone out to pasture If someone is put out to pasture, they are forced to resign or give up some responsibilities.
146 Put that in your pipe and smoke it This is used as an unsympathetic way of telling someone to accept what you have just said.
147 Put the carriage before the horse If you put the carriage before the horse, you try to do things in the wrong order.
148 Put the kybosh on To put an end to something.
149 Put the pedal to the metal If you put the pedal to the metal, you go faster.
150 Put to the sword If someone is put to the sword, he or she is killed or executed.
151 Put two and two together If someone puts two and two together, they reach a correct conclusion from the evidence.
152 Put up or shut up 'Put up or shut up' means you do something you are talking about or not to talk about it any more.
153 Put you in mind If something suggests something to you, it puts you in mind of that thing.
154 Put you in the picture If you put someone in the picture, you tell them the information they need to know about something.
155 Put your best foot forward If you ut your best foot forward, you try your best to do something.
156 Put your cards on the table If you put your cards on the table, you make your thoughts or ideas perfectly clear.
157 Put your foot down When someone puts their foot down, they make a firm stand and establish their authority on an issue.
158 Put your foot in it If you put your foot in it, you do or say something embarrassing and tactless or get yourself into trouble.
159 Put your foot in your mouth If you put your foot in your mouth, you say something stupid or embarrassing.
160 Put your hand on your heart If you can out your hand on your heart, then you can say something knowing it to be true.
161 Put your heads together If people put their head together, they exchange ideas about something.
162 Put your money where your mouth is If someone puts their money where their mouth is, they back up their words with action.
163 Put your shoulder to the wheel When you put your shoulder to the wheel, you contribute to an effort.
164 Put your thumb on the scales If you put your thumb on the scales, you try to influence the result of something in your favour.
165 Put yourself in someone's shoes If you put yourself in someone's shoes, you imagine what it is like to be in their position.
166 Putting the cart before the horse When you put the cart before the horse, you are doing something the wrong way round.
167 Pyrrhic victory A Pyrrhic victory is one that causes the victor to suffer so much to achieve it that it isn't worth winning.
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